
Envirotech Group offers a complete line of Advanced Systems for both Residential & Commercial applications. Custom solutions can be developed to address the client’s unique environmental challenges. Each system is backed by an extensive warranty.


  • Evaluate Air & Water Quality.
  • Examine & Analyze environmental concerns.
  • Install & Service Air, Water & Food purification systems.
  • Employ creative solutions for healthy Business & Home environments.


Envirotech Group provides systems that purify the essentials of life: our air, food, water, and environment.

Imperfections in any of these essentials have been found to contribute to physical illness and the spread of disease, which in turn can contribute to:

  • Respiratory complications for those who live within the environment
  • Employee absenteeism due to illnesses brought on by a dirty work environment
  • Liability issues due to an inability to control infectious diseases in public areas
  • Company shut-down while dangerous health issues are taken care of (as was the case with the SARS virus)

Can you afford to take the essentials for granted?

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U.S. companies could save as much as $58 billion annually by preventing sick-building illnesses and an additional $200 billion in worker performance improvements by creating offices with better indoor air”
— Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researcher – BusinessWeek Online June 5, 2000